
New LGBTQ+ Adviser joins our diocese

The Diocese of Canterbury is pleased to welcome Mark Wilson as our new to the Bishop of Dover.

Mark’s role is dedicated to collaborating with Bishop Rose and our diocese to offer pastoral care and support to our cherished LGBTQ+ community, along with their friends, families and ministers. The well-established will journey alongside people wherever they find themselves, providing ongoing love and inclusivity.

Talking about accepting the role, Mark said: “I am thrilled to accept Bishop Rose’s invitation to serve as her LGBTQ+ Adviser for our diocese. I shall be supporting our faith communities to embody God’s inclusive love – where everyone feels safe to ask questions and seek understanding. Safe spaces for healing are essential for everyone, particularly those in the LGBTQ+ community.

“I am also excited to collaborate with our well-established LGBTQ+ chaplaincy and support Open Table in our diocese, both of which have been invaluable in supporting the LGBTQ+ community.”

A local primary school teacher and a leader of children’s and youth ministry at Canterbury Cathedral, Mark will continue the work of Samuel Keeler-Walker who has been the LGBTQ+ Advisor for the last five years.

Talking about his time in the role, Samuel said: “It has been a huge privilege to have been the LGBTQ+ Adviser to the Bishop of Dover for the last five years. During that time, we have set up the LGBTQ+ chaplaincy, gone out in the community at Pride events, been part of the launch of Open Table Canterbury and I've had the joy visiting many of our churches across the Diocese to discuss how they can welcome LGBTQ+ people into their churches.

“I want to thank Bishop Rose, the oversight group and our wonderful chaplains for their work in this area and for their support of me in this ministry."

First published on: 23rd August 2024
Page last updated: Tuesday 8th October 2024 9:56 AM
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