
IICSA Report: Open Letter from our Archbishops

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, IICSA, published its  into the Church of England and Church in Wales on 7 October. Ahead of its publication, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, the lead safeguarding bishop and the national director of safeguarding published . 

Commending both the report and the letter to churches and individuals, The Rt Revd Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Bishop of Dover, said: “Please read this carefully, mindful that the safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults is everyone's responsibility. IICSA has shone a light on the failings of the past and will be making some clear recommendations. In order to build a better future, it is crucial that we first acknowledge these failings and our collective role them. 

“It is right that we apologise for those failings - and if that apology is to be meaningful, we must all be resolved to learn these hard lessons and to do things differently. We all have a part to play in making our churches, mission and ministry safer for all, and I am grateful to each one of you for your role in this crucial work - thank you.”

If you have a safeguarding issue, either current or from the past and want to talk to one of our Safeguarding Advisers please see our safeguarding information here.

First published on: 7th October 2020
Page last updated: Monday 12th October 2020 3:04 PM
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